Our best anniversary gifts have been receiving rave reviews with our PA Dutch baked goods loved by everyone. Gourmet foods, baked goods and chocoaltes that are customized to the occasion We are happy to offer our best anniversary gifts that can be customized to the occasion with Lancaster PA gourmet foods and delicious baked goods
Our best Anniversary gifts are proven to be a gift men and women love. Our Gourmet foods and baked goods from the Amish known for the most delicious treats

Product ID: 066

"Traditions" Best Anniversary Gifts

$64.50 | 24 Reviews | Read reviews

Make Your Selections

Choose Your Pie
Choose Your Fudge
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Content for your Gift Basket

* Apple or Shoo Fly Pie (Your Choice)

* Fudge (Your Choice of Flavor)

* Chocolate w/Vanilla Whoopie Pie

* Emma's Popcorn

* Peanut Butter Crackers

* Cinnamon Stick (Filled w/Cream Cheese)

* Peanut Butter Brittle

* Chocolate Pretzel Rods

* Customization

Best Anniversary Gifts

Our best anniversary gifts are getting rave reviews. Our gourmet foods, baked goods, chocolates, jams and so much more have taken our anniversary gift ideas to a new level.

Keep in mind that those ordering can choose specific types of products and each of our gift baskets and boxes are customized to the occasion, in this case an anniversary. We hope you enjoy, we know they will!